The brain is arguably the most important organ in the body, and we all could probably do a better job of nourishing our brains.

Here’s a list of foods that will help


My brain LOVES coffee, as does the rest of me but the exciting news is that science agrees.

Coffee is rich in antioxidants like the neuroprotective compound phenylindane, which forms during roasting and gives coffee its characteristic bitter bite.

While human research in this area has been conflicting at times, numerous studies suggest that lifelong consumption of coffee was associated with a lower risk of cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia. The effect was found to be stronger in women than in men.  However we are talking just 1-2 cups of coffee a day, more than that, or a sudden increase can increase the risk.

Dark chocolate


The flavanols in dark chocolate and cocoa have known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which research has found to help enhance cognitive performance and function.

Just make sure to stick to a high-quality dark chocolate, without added sugar or fat.


About 60 percent of your brain is made up of fat, and the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish may play a unique role.  Omega-3 supplementation appears to boost brain health and protect against neurodegeneration in older adults.

Another study found that consuming more fish, independent of omega-3 content, seemed to improve the volume of gray matter, the area of the brain responsible for muscle control, emotions, decision-making, memory, and more.


Berries, especially blueberries, are rich in anthocyanins and other flavonoids that have been shown to help support memory function.

Blackberries, raspberries, cherries, and other deeply hued fruits are also all fair game.


Walnuts are loaded with phytochemicals and polyunsaturated fats linked to a wide range of brain benefits.

A 2012 study found that eight weeks of walnut snacking substantially improved verbal reasoning scores in college students.

Green tea

Not a coffee drinker? green tea has been suggested to help improve memory, brain function, and attention during demanding cognitive tasks.

It seems that the unique combination of caffeine and the amino acid l-theanine gives green tea its status as a brain superfood.